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If you were put in charge of KYM, what changes would you make to the site?

Last posted Mar 13, 2024 at 09:46PM EDT. Added Mar 10, 2024 at 10:39PM EDT
16 posts from 15 users

I'm curious to know how any of you would change KYM (hopefully) for the better if one day the site staff decided to put you in charge of how the site would operate going forward.

Make sure that you can't add images without entries.

Make sure commenta on entries are always enabled.

Add a "scroll back to the "Oldest recent" comment" in case entry gets an update.

Try to make sure that entry doesn't trend just because someone replied to an old comment.

Uncensor words in searches and tase.

- IP range ban countries that excessively spam the site (looking at you, India).
- Cut down on ads that drive away casual visitors. Far too many obstruct the view of what people are trying to read/watch.
- Make proper video tutorials on how to make entry pages on the site, which include the do's (proper image/video embeds, how to site sources) and don'ts (plagiarizing from other wikis, embedding images into entries without uploading them to the site first, one-sentence entries with no real data).

In general, just make the site more comfortable to use for everyone.

- Add the ability to hide galleries (and possibly individual images) so people who don't want to see soyjaks or gooner art can see less of that.

- Prevent the autoplay of certain videos so I don't get assaulted by Mystery Sounds because the article I happened to click on has a Twitch vod in it.

- Make forum posts editable for more than 30 minutes.

- Improve how comments are loaded on entries because I keep getting this weird happening where the comments just do not want to load for whatever arcane reason.

- Reduce/remove the vote cooldown, or at least make it a little more apparent when it ends.

-Ban/deactivate the Reddit Moments bot.

-Remove editorials – no one reads them

-Editable comments

-The ability to hide image uploads from a certain uploader (I'm not fond of the Hamiltons' uploads personally).

-More derp.

Probably never let anyone try and change the UI to be as bad as it was some time ago. I don't even think one person (not even the designer) liked the change it it was that bad.

As for anything else, I suppose it'd be a good idea to have better embedded link functionality on the site and probably even allow png uploads of up to 1024×1024 so most images don't look as crispy with jpeg compression. That'd probably cost too much for the server however.

Last edited Mar 11, 2024 at 06:02PM EDT

I honest just wanna restart the whole thing from scratch. Maybe make a new site. Not that I think the old one has to go for good, but I currently don't find it all too salvageable.

Last edited Mar 12, 2024 at 06:44AM EDT

1. An update to Textiles to include more quality of life changes in the coding aspect and help assist user's on what error they made for links and effects.
2. A complex block system. instead of blocking the user entirely, you have the option to either block the user's non-forum comments, image uploads, and by certain articles.
3. An extension to the first, more customization for the user's page, such as giving it different backgrounds, hover effects, cursors, and so-on. it'll be like a less robust neocities.
4. Context to why the user was ban/deactivate by the mods. it'll be something like a hover on their username with a different color with text explaining what causes for the termination.
5. A new section on the forum called "article development." a section dedicated on listing memes, cultures, fandoms, and general internet events that haven't been made, are greatly undeveloped, and/or still updating with newer stuff going on. that way, it'll be a lot easier to find and finish some of the missing articles.

Guess I should bring the obvious out the way, MAKE COMMENTS EDITABLE so I won't have to rely on just relpying whenever I make a grammar mistake or wanted to add more to what I say.

Other than that, I could give a placement for smaller ads and a different placing of larger ads so they wouldn't take up space for memes users wanted to see

A list for liked images/videos/editorials as well so users wouldn't have to just rely clicking the favorites button to tune in on their favorite posts again

make images and videos take less space in activity pages and make them similiar in size to how they're measured in comments under posts

A decent blacklist system that blocks entries, tags and categories regardless if they're trending so you won't have to see them when you're browsing, basically make a more functioning alternative to the tampermonkey script

a search operator for untagged posts incase you wanted find some yourself

in case if possible, Make a whole gallery for just music/sound based posts similar to soundcloud/newgrounds, think that could make for an interest versatility here.

And that's all I have regarding on what I would change if I were in charge, recommend what else I could bring to the table regarding this site.

Make the ads less intrusive.

Add the ability to edit comments.

Give clarity on how to apply the NSFW filter depending on the gallery’s subject matter.

Make deleting broken video links a lot easier and less likely to cause accidental bans.

Provide positive reinforcement regarding users making entries.

Prevent ban evasion.

Cut down on the fukin' NSFW. Not like total wipe out, but like good gravy some galleries is just a pr0n dump. It should be like how one user did it for the Pokemon Gallery, a certain day where its fine to flood it (of course within rules).

Collapse some sub-articles that we really didn't need and just expand the main one (Glares at soyjacks)

Bring back the top TEN galleries, no clue why they got rid of it. And while I'm at it, have some suggested galleries from time to time, that might be interesting and drive some engagement.

REMOVE THE LIKE/DISLIKE TIMER. There is no use for it. "Oh but this is to prevent botting". Then purge the likes/dislikes from banned users. Hell, they'll just out themselves if they do--not like the site doesn't keep track of who-does-what.

Add a dark theme, my eyes bleed every time I enter here.

Download more ram.

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